Let there be aid

Calling for your support for 7.7 MSF Day

Conflicts, natural disasters, and pandemics devastate the lives of thousands of people and are reported in the news. But as time goes by, their ongoing suffering gradually fades from our collective memory. MSF is actively engaged in delivering medical humanitarian relief work in more than 70 countries across the globe. We invite you to join us in honoring MSF Day on 7 July, where we can collectively set aside indifference and make a meaningful contribution to that work.

You will receive an MSF Day Bracelet after donating to support MSF Day. We encourage you to wear the bracelet as a symbol of solidarity with the frontline relief teams and to demonstrate your support for those most vulnerable communities around the world!

Join us to commemorate the medical humanitarian spirit of MSF Day on 7 July again this year – reach out to neglected people in distress by firmly extending your helping hand!

*Donate HK$50 or above to receive an MSF Day Bracelet . Please provide your mailing address for us to follow up.

In light of the overwhelming demand, we are actively restocking our bracelet inventory. Consequently, the delivery time of bracelets and corresponding receipts may experience a slight extension. We sincerely value your patience and understanding.

I would like to give*



*Sending an overseas receipt and bracelet may need special arrangements. We may contact you for further details if we need them.
Should not contain numeric characters or symbol

“7.7 MSF Day” bracelet

After receiving your donation, a“7.7 MSF Day” bracelet will be delivered to you.

Our promise to protect your privacy: Médecins Sans Frontières Hong Kong (MSF) promise not to sell, share or swap your personal information with any other company/ organisation. The information you provide will be treated as strictly confidential, used only by MSF and our carefully selected service providers for the purposes of donation administration, receipt issuing and communications about your donation. You may wish to refer to our prevailing http://www.msf.hk

为了与你保持联系,我们可能会使用你的个人资料,向你提供无国界医生的救援工作消息丶活动丶筹款呼吁及收集意见。请在下面的方格上填上剔号,表示你是否愿意收到上述通讯。你可以随时以邮寄方式或电邮至 unsubscribe@hongkong.msf.org.,通知我们停止接收有关资讯。


Payment Method*

The volume of relief items needed and the exact time they may be required is difficult to predict. Therefore, your gift may be used to fund any relief items and activities MSF engages in to help people in need of emergency medical care.

MSF is a registered charity in Hong Kong. For Hong Kong residents, donations of HK$100 or above are tax deductible.
