Organisation Enrolment

Event Coordinator Information

To be filled in by Event Coordinator
Please select title
Please fill in contact number
Contact number should contain at least 8 digits
Contact number must contain numeric characters only

Organisation Information

Please input organisation name in English or Chinese
To send MSF Day bracelet and donation receipt

Event Information

Would your company be interested in forming a team to join the public Mapathon?

If interested, we will share details on forming a company team with you. To find out more about what a Mapathon is click HERE.

Please select an option

Your company could collect employee donation by :

1. Company Online Donation Page
Please select at least an option

We will encourage our staff to support MSF Day, and display the campaign’s leaflets and/or posters in our organisation to promote the campaign.

If you would like more than 1000 leaflets, please contact us directly
Should not contain space, symbol, Chinese or English characters
If you would like more than 1000 posters, please contact us directly
Should not contain space, symbol, Chinese or English characters

Our promise to protect your privacy: Médecins Sans Frontières Hong Kong (MSF-HK) promise not to sell, share or swap your personal information with any other company/ organisation. The information you provide will be treated as strictly confidential, used only by MSF and our carefully selected service providers for the purposes of donation administration, receipt issuing and communications about your donation. You may wish to refer to our prevailing Privacy Policy.

To allow us to stay in contact with you, we may use your personal information to inform you about MSF relief work, activities, fundraising appeals and to conduct donor survey. Please indicate below if you agree to being contacted for these purposes. You may choose to stop receiving such information at any time; simply tell us by post or email to

Array ( [0] => field_organisation_en_name [1] => field_organisation_chi_name [2] => field_salutation [3] => field_contact_person_surname [4] => field_contact_person_given_name [5] => field_email [6] => field_country_code [7] => field_contact_no [8] => field_department [9] => field_country [10] => field_address_flat [11] => field_address_floor [12] => field_address_block [13] => field_address_building [14] => field_address_estate [15] => field_address_street [16] => field_address_district [17] => field_other_address [18] => field_language_preference [19] => field_quantity_of_leaflet_req [20] => field_quantity_of_poster_req [21] => field_match_donation [22] => field_join [23] => field_collect_donation_by [24] => field_not_allowed )