What kind of organisation is MSF?

MSF is an international, independent, medical humanitarian organisation. Learn more about MSF here.

What is the scope of work of MSF?

MSF delivers emergency aid to people affected by armed conflict, epidemics, natural disasters and exclusion from healthcare. When we witness mass violations of human rights, for example genocide, war crimes, forced return of refugees,, MSF may speak out about this.

Does MSF have any cooperation with organisations with similar names to MSF?

MSF is an independent medical humanitarian organisation and does not have any affiliation with any organisation(s), that use the words "Without Borders", "Sans  Frontières" or "無國界" in Chinese in their names or logos.

Can I be an office volunteer if I have a full-time job?

Absolutely, we can arrange your volunteer work according to your schedule. Please apply online here.

If I know somebody who has a specific disease and I would like MSF to help, can MSF help them?

MSF offers medical assistance to populations in crisis without discrimination and irrespective of race, religion, sex, creed or political affiliations. We work on a project basis and our projects run in over 70 countries around the world. For individual needs in places beyond our work, we suggest they seek help from local health systems. 

Do you organise visiting tours to your projects in the field for the general public?

Since most of the MSF projects are emergency aid projects and/or in areas which are relatively unstable, such as areas of war and conflict areas, we regret to say we are unable to arrange tours for the public.